The ground still bears the signs of the stampeding horses of invaders
the hills echo with the battle cries of the brave warriors of the past.
A region that bears testimony and resounds with the rich history of the past
, the marauders who came to acquire wealth, the Muslim conquerors
who came to spread the faith in this region, architectural
wonders now in ruins silently proclaim to the world tales of a glory long lost.
The region, now comprising Pakistan, is replete with stories of wars, battles,
feuds and various revolutionary and military endeavours.
The sub-continent was partitioned into two distinct states due to unbridgeable
ideological differences between the Hindus and Muslims,
hence Pakistan came into being
in August 1947 with the efforts of
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father
of the Nation. Presently, the ninth most populous country in the world,
Pakistan covers an area of 800,000 square kilometers, surrounded by
Arabian Sea, Iran, Afghanistan, Soviet Union, China and India
. Pakistan is a country that enjoys diverse sub-cultures,
resultant of being host to major historical
events and influences of various civilizations.
Similarly, it is a land that harbours diverse environmental facets within itself,
from deserts to glaciated ice, to rich forests, fertile plains, rivers, lakes etc;
a region that is bestowed with the best that nature has to offer.
The Pakistan Army at its inception presented a dismal picture as it
was disinherited in its legitimate share of military assets in an effort to
starve it to inadequacy and vulnerable to subjugation.
An institution that plays a major role and is at the forefront of all national
and international endeavours to restore peace wherever a human
conflict or natural calamity arises. The men of the Pakistan Army
truly reflect the warrior spirit, weilding weapons for peace, doing
justice to the strong military legacy handed down through time
by their ancestors. These are the men who while adhering to the
traditional spirit acquire training on modern
methods conforming to international standards
, at the same time setting standards of their own,
which have achieved worldwide acclaim.
These men of the Pakistan Army are adept at the art of warfare
, their inborn skills have been honed at the various institutions
of Military Training throughout the country. Steeped in rich traditions
, many of these institutions date back to the 19th Century.
Institutions that exude an aura of strong military values,
imparting skills through competent instructors,
who having acquired training within the country and abroad,
skillfully extend it to the prospective trainees.
All the schools have a distinguished history of proficiency
and contribution toward developing a professional National
Army, and produced men who have graced the annals of
military history. These institutions are strategically located
in specific terrain conducive to the learning of particular art
of warfare and suitably equipped with modern training
techniques, computerized system and ability to absorb foreign
trainees while providing to them the required infrastructure.
"Arms for Peace", therefore, is a vital link in the ideological
chain of the Pakistan Army. An institution that weilds weapons for peace,
inculcating in its men the spirit to promote peace throughout the world.
Same is reflected in its active participation wherever a situation requires
its efforts and services to restore normalcy. With their extensive
experience, the Pakistani troops are acclaimed for their peace-keeping
endeavours throughout the world. These are the men who bear the
expertise and excellence in skills. Pakistan Army, today, stands as a
cohesive, dependable and a well cultured professional force providing
physical and psychological security to the country.
Pakistan army chief
Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayan
His humble background as the son of an NCO has endeared
him to the junior ranks of the army. After attending a local
high school, Ashfaq successfully enrolled in the Military College
Jhelum, Sarai Alamgir and made a transfer to Pakistan Military
Academy in Kakulwhere he graduated with a bachelor's degree in
1971 in his class of 45th PMA Long Course.
The story of the advancement of Pakistan
Army is the tale of the birth of Pakistan
, since its inception from the freckled nucleus of a regal legacy to
its present status of an avant-garde and combat-tested field Army;
it is an epoch of development which leaves behind its trials and tribulations,
calamities and conflicts, as it struggled,
with scarcity of possessions to embark on its shaping years.
This is, conceivably, the enormous paradigm amongst few armies in
history to have faced a war right at its setting up and,
in the subsequent years, besides guarding the geographical precincts
, it is always prepared to protect the ideological boundaries of the country.
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Nations can dream of their socio-economic progress and development
only when they are sure that their guardians are strong enough to
ensure protection and peace. In case of Pakistan, a strong defence
was all the more a stark reality to face the encounters and
hostilities with unflinching courage. Our chivalrous soldiers of
brave Armed Forces, apart from defending the country’s borders,
always remained in the forefront of national development.
Whether floods, earth-quakes and other natural calamites,
maintain law and order or the UN peace efforts,
the performance of our officers and men,
always earned national and international acclaim from their
friends and foes alike.
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Army is an iridescent view, a vast canvas of vivid colours,
pulsating with powerful
currents of life. It has a flow and a body of
its own whose velocity is sustained by noblest of traditions applied in
very exacting manner. While it aims at destroying the aggressor,
it requires its members to possess mettle of
highest quality with sound character, most pure.
The soldiers have invincible belief in the concept of Ghazi or
Shaheed and it provides them great motivating force with
specific element of self negation in the way of Almighty Allah,
make them special breed of men.
It is the only profession in the world taken
-up by the ablest bodies who vow to lay down
their life willingly, in the way of Almighty Allah.
It has a rhythm of its own perfected over
hundreds of years of war fare, reflecting the
very shades of Islamic accomplishments,
soaked in local traditional history and continuity.
Selfless bravery sacrifice and monumental
endurance of adversity are the pillars of this splendid institution.
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